
Control mac with apple tv remote sierra
Control mac with apple tv remote sierra

control mac with apple tv remote sierra

#Control mac with apple tv remote sierra Pc

Even our designers in London are now all on PC and that just is not right in my opinion because I feel Apple simply has decided to abandon their designer professional base that made them what they are today. Our IT department knows this issues affects all of our new and old Macs so since their is no official fix by Apple it looks like I can no longer use a Mac to work remotely when needed so I can't argue any longer why I can't just use a PC as our techs insist I do. Apple support was of no help either, their solution was for me to bring the 27" iMac to an Apple location for a 'genius' to do clean install. This issue of not be able to function properly via Screenshare from Mac to Mac has stumped our IT department and unlucky for me they don't care, because they are replacing all Macs to PCs company wide across all our global locations. The issue is only when using screen sharing.Īpple is asleep at the wheel. When using either machine locally, all functions and keys, mouse/shortcuts work perfectly. Typing is also wonky (having to hit constantly Option+spacebar to be able to write) with Outlook, Word, and basically every app I need to do my job with.

control mac with apple tv remote sierra

To type and switch the pointer to a cursor (even when the text tool is already selected) I constantly have to hit option+spacebar to temporarily be able to type, as soon as I go to a different text box or another paragraph the cursor turns back to the hand tool or pointer tool or magnifying tool randomly regardless of any actual tool being selected in INDD. Working with Adobe InDesign is practically impossible you cannot move items on same horizontal plane by holding down the shift key, you cannot zoom in/out by holding command key (or option key) while scrolling with mouse in any Adobe product (INDD, Acrobat, Illustrator). Using various keyboards and mice on either end did not make a difference in our trials. When clicking on a Finder folder, it opens in a separate window as if the Command key is being pressed (and it is not), meanwhile, the iMac's keyboard was disconnected on several occasions to test if it had anything to do with the actual keyboard, same with using various mice. Same result controlling the iMac from various other Macs that have El Capitan or Sierra. When any modifier key (control/option/command/etc) is pressed on the controlling Mac (tried various machines), the iMac (running Sierra) that is being remotely controlled shows (in iMac's keyboard viewer) all the keys shadowed in above screenshot as if being pressed, and they do not go away when pressing other keys. I tried disconnecting the keyboard and mouse on the iMac but makes no difference, the keyboard viewer shows as if multiple keys are being pressed as aforementioned. Then turns back into a pointer when I try again to type or copy and paste when trying to work with multiple apps.

control mac with apple tv remote sierra

When working locally (directly on the iMac or directly on the MBP), all shortcuts and mouse scrolling functions work fine and keyboard viewers on both machines show keys being pressed respectively to what key is actually being pressed.Īlso, when working remotely from MBP to iMac, quite often-but not always, the cursor in word, excel or Adobe products turns into a pointer tool preventing keying in any copy until I hit the combo keys like Option/Spacebar that temporarily turns it back to a text cursor. Makes working on Adobe products especially, nearly impossible (where I use keyboard/mouse shortcuts constantly, like to zooming in and out with mouse scroll which also does not work). The remote machine's keys (on the keyboard viewer) stay depressed until I hit multiple keys at once (on MBP) like the option/spacebar or other combination of keys then get depressed again as soon as I hit a single modifier key yet again. When using Apple's Remote screen sharing and I look at my remote (Sierra) iMac's (late 2015) keyboard viewer from my older (el capitan) MBP (late 2007), all the modifier and FN keys show as if they are being pressed, and stay depressed when I hit any single key on the MBP like the spacebar or a modifier key. If anyone has a similar issue, pleas let me know because Apple support can't figure it out.

Control mac with apple tv remote sierra